If you are submitting 1-49 cards, choose this option and edit your quantity acording to the exact number of cards you are sending in. Wiping with a microfiber cloth is an extra 50 cents per card. All cards are video recorded and uploaded to a OneDrive folder, along with a screenshot of your payment. That folder is then sent to you via Facebook Messenger or email.
SGC Grading 1-49 cards
If you are submitting 1-49 cards or less, choose this item. Change the quantity to the specific number of cards you are sending in.
Standard-sized, American-issued modern or vintage cards. Anything in size up to Exhibits, including Topps Giants and Tall Boys. Anything non-standard in size or larger than Exhibits will need a custom-cut insert so will not qualify for the group sub rate.
Once your cards are graded and ready to send back, you will be notified with shipping payment and insurance information.